Guest Article Guidelines




June 23, 2022

  1. We accept well researched, comprehensive and an exhaustive article.
  2. The preferred article length is between 1200 – 1500 words.
  3. We prefer you write crisp short sentences in simple English and avoid long paragraphs in order to make the content engaging for the audience.
  4. Avoid grammatical errors and run your draft article through tools such as Grammarly before you submit your article.
  5. Please do not copy content we do not accept plagiarised content. Your article will be outrightly rejected.
  6. It is a good practise to add 2-3 images in the article and ensure that you mention the source website from where you have obtained the image.
  7. Wherever possible we encourage you to add 1-2 links from existing blogs on ThinkPose.
  8. It is a good practise to add at least one link from high authority websites such as Harvard Business Review etc.
  9. We allow you to add 3 backlinks to your domain at an appropriate spot on your article. Do not force fit links. We reserve the right to retain or remove links at our discretion.
  10. We do not accept content and outbound links around gambling, casino, CBD etc. on our blog.
  11. Along with the article do submit a short author bio and a profile picture. We give due credit to the writer. 
  12. Once you have submitted your article you give ThinkPose the ownership rights to the article.

Just an email

away... away-icon
